Golf Simulator Projector Key Features


Lumens determines the brightness of the photograph your projector presentations. The brighter your room is, the more golf simulator projector vital it is to have a high lumens projector. As a wellknown rule of thumb, you could get by in darkish rooms with lumens above 2000+ but we commonly advise getting a projector above 3000+ for the exceptional golfing simulation enjoy.

Throw Ratio

Throw ratio refers to the space the projector is from the display screen versus how diagonally extensive the screen is. If you do no longer want your shadow showing up for your hitting display screen, you may need what’s known as a quick throw or ultra-short throw projector which range everywhere between 0.3:1 to one:1.

To discover the most desirable throw ratio, you may divide the space out of your projector to your display screen by using the diagonal width of your screen. As an instance, if your display is 10 ft huge (diagonally) and your projector is five ft far from the display screen, your highest quality throw ratio is zero.5:1 (5 toes / 10 toes).

Aspect Ratio and Resolution

Aspect ratio and resolution generally tend to go hand-in-hand. To put it simply, component ratio refers to the shape the photo will take at the display screen or the ratio among the width and height of the picture. Resolution refers to the quantity of pixels inside the picture. The more pixels, the better the photo excellent.

Most usually, you will see the subsequent thing ratios & resolutions:

•             4:three (XGA & SXGA)

•             Image will take more of a rectangular form

•             Lowest decision: 1024 x 768 decision

•             Lowest fee option

•             sixteen:10 (WXGA & WUXGA)

•             Image could be extra rectangular

•             Higher resolution: 1280 x 800 resolution

•             Crisper image however more high priced than XGA & SXGA

•             16:9 (wellknown HDTV, 1080p)

•             Image will be more rectangular

•             Highest decision: 1920 x 1080p decision

•             If you need to show your golf simulator into a domestic theater, we quite advise opting for this decision

Important notice: We could advise trying to fit the resolution of your pc with the resolution of your projector. Your projector will never be capable of venture a better resolution photograph than your pc is capable of!

•             For example, in case your laptop has a decision of 1024 x 768, and you’ve a  higher resolution projector which include 1280 x 800, the projector will handiest venture an photo in 1024 x 768.

HDMI Connectivity

A final characteristic to ensure your projector has is the necessary HDMI Input. Almost all new projectors have this, but it’s miles necessary to paintings with any of our golf simulators.

 Best Golf Simulator Projector Mounts

Floor Mount Enclosure

•             The Floor Mount Enclosure fits maximum projectors.

•             Easy and short to collect.

•             Eliminates holes within the ceiling and wires overhead.

•             Turf-Covered ramp protects your projector.

Ceiling Mount Enclosure

•             Ceiling Mount is pretty adjustable

•             Quick and smooth to gather.

•             Overhead mount maintains ground open and clean of wires.

•             Universal Mount suits nearly each projector.

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